Top 11 Reasons Why WordCamp Miami is Going To Be Freaking Awesome This Year

Yeah, we hate top xxx lists too but screw it.

11. Happiness Bar. On Saturday, we will have a fully manned and ready to help those with any questions on WordPress.
10. BuddyCamp Miami. The first BuddyCamp in the United States (the first and only other one in Canada) bringing together many of the top BuddyPress core development team.
9. Beginner’s Workshops. The workshop in Davie, FL on March 23rd was a complete success and we got amazing feedback and appreciation. We were able to help people in a more intimate setting, and some people were helped one-on-one. The next workshop in Miami on April 5th will be the same format and expecting more people able to be educated as well. The two workshops in different locations enabled people to come to the one closest to them, and we saw many new faces as a result.
8. First Ever Business Track It’s our first WordCamp with a dedicated business track. Anyone including freelancers, small business owners, and those in an agency will benefit from experienced speakers – many of whom run their own businesses. They’ll be sharing tips and lessons learned, plus at the close on Sunday we’ll have a Q&A panel where you can ask any questions you might have.
7. Ice Cream Social on Sunday. We will be giving out some great Chill-N Nitrogen Ice Cream from This is happening Sunday afternoon, and will be the chance for us to relax and network a bit. Not to mention talk about the past couple of days.
6. Our Sponsors. Big or small, our sponsors are completely awesome and enabled us to provide a great experience to our attendees this year. This includes some interesting games and entertainment during the event (it’s a surprise!).
5. BBQ Lunch on Saturday. If you don’t get it, it’s not worth explaining.
4. Networking After Party. Saturday night starting at 6:30pm, we will be having our after party at Finengans, sponsored in part by MediaTemple. This is where we can meet and network with others, enjoy dinner and drinks, and have some fun winning some very cool prizes from our sponsors. WE EVEN HAVE A PARTY BUS (thanks to GoDaddy) TO TAKE YOU THERE.
3. Volunteers. The support this year has been amazing, and we thank our volunteers ahead of time for giving their support and time in areas like registration, cleanup, and lunch. Without them, things wouldn’t go as smoothly.
2. Speakers. Over 40 speakers giving awesome presentations this year. Many speakers are local, but others are from California, Texas, and as far as the United Kingdom.
1. You. And 450 of your fellow WordPress community members. Community has been one of the top reasons why WordCamps are so successful.

See you in less than two weeks.