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It’s Official! Dates are Set!


We have great news regarding our eighth WordCamp Miami – it will be held at FIU on February 19-21, 2016. We are also proud to announce the Ptah Dunbar will be stepping up as our lead coordinator this year!

We have been in the early staging of planning for the past two months, and we can’t wait to share with you what we’ve got planned. Some ideas, concepts, and workshops from previous years are being carried over but also several fresh new concepts as well.

If you don’t want to wait and book travel way in advance (at least in WordCamp terms) you may already begin by looking at the same hotels we recommended last year.

Our call for volunteers, sponsors, and speakers will happen shortly so watch for those announcements. Here’s the best ways to keep updated:

  1. Join our public Slack channel.
  2. Join over 1000 already on our mailing list.
  3. Follow us @wordcampmiami on Twitter.