Jodie Riccelli

Jodie Riccelli

A lover of all things Philadelphia, intrigued by the constant expansion of the tech world, Jodie Riccelli began using WordPress in 2006. Her (now) husband had suggested she create a website for their music consulting business, and one Saturday morning, she awoke to find a new laptop loaded with video tutorials and manuals. She spent the rest of the weekend teaching herself to use the platform and created her first functioning website.

A graduate of Millersville University, Jodie brings 15 years of sales and marketing experience to WebDevStudios. Entrepreneurs in the real estate, music, technology and education industries have recognized her marketing expertise and ability to restructure and systemize businesses. A self-proclaimed foodie and music aficionado, she now lends her creativity to create unique web strategies and solutions for clients.

Jodie participates on the organizing team for WordCamp US; sits on the advisory committees for PHL Live Center Stage, the PHL Diversity Board and the Blackboard Labs board; and is a member of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Recording Academy. A devoted book hoarder and nomadic soul, she shares comedic screw-ups of life’s little experiences on and has been known to get lost in old bookstores in disregard of the lack of shelf space at home.


WordCamp Miami 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!