Pirate Dunbar

Pirate Dunbar

Ptah Dunbar is an air-traveling, one-eye Pirate, sailing the high seas of the Web over the past 10 years. He speaks over 10 languages, teaches students how to code and is on a mission to create empowering software that impacts a billion people within the next decade.

Ptah has given 5-star presentations tech talks (English and French) at technology conferences like WordCamp Europe, Day Camp 4 Developers, and Startup Weekend Luxembourg where his team ContinuousPHP won the grand prize and launched successfully.

Ptah’s current focus is on improving software quality at scale using AI systems, organization’s human development programs, and time-to product/market fit. When he isn’t traveling or contributing back to local communities, you’ll often find Ptah learning about ALL THE THINGS and spending quality time with his friends and family.

Follow Ptah on Twitter @ptahdunbar and subscribe to ptah.ai to learn more about his story and adventures.

WordCamp Miami 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!