Author Archives: Colleen Brady

2019 WordCamp Miami Speakers: Round Four

WordCamp Miami is excited to announce the fourth group of confirmed speakers and panelists for WordCamp Miami 2019.

Colin Dowling

“All else being equal, people will buy from their friends. So make everything else equal then go make a lot of friends.”

Colin is currently the CEO of RAINCLOUD, a B2B outbounding engine focused on helping digital agencies, SAAS providers, and hosting companies fill the funnel with great future prospects. RAINCLOUD’s singular focus is getting more of the right client to know your business exists then putting you in a position to be top of mind when the time is right. We can’t control when someone will need the service or product you offer, but we can insure that when they need it they will think of you.

  • Former VP of Channel Sales for Liquid Web
  • Former VP of Sales for Media Temple (a GoDaddy company)
  • First Enterprise & Agencies Executive at WP Engine
  • Former VP of Sales at ISON Managed IT Services

Pat Ramsey

Pat Ramsey oversees all aspects of the technology group at Crowd Favorite as Director of Technology. He brings over 20 years experience in web development, including higher education, government and enterprise digital implementations. Active in technology communities since the early 2000s, Pat is one of the founders of the Austin WordPress meetup, having worked with WordPress since 2004, integrating it into higher education IT and faculty publishing systems. He’s also been a trainer and advisor for Knowbility’s Accessible Internet Rallies and AccessU.

Annejeanette Washington Collins

Annejeanette Washington Collins is a dedicated educator and professor in Broward County, Florida for the past 26 years. A graduate of The University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University, she shares her passion for educational technology teaching her students WordPress, Microsoft Office 365, Canvas, Edmodo and other LMS platforms. Most notably, Annejeanette uses WordPress to spotlight STEM trends and encouraging moms at Magnific Mom Moments. Annejeanette has presented at local, state, and international platforms notably Edu-Match and Site Leaders Connect.

In addition to teaching, Annejeanette is a conference speaker, photographer, website designer, social media blogger, and community servant. She volunteers with Dare to Care Outreach, Black Girls Code Miami Chapter, The Broward Alliance of Black School Educators,, and The Faith Center Ministries Youth Department just to name a few.

Her greatest joy is spending time with her husband Major, her daughter Jayda (former Word Camp Panelist), and her family.

Zac Gordon

Zac Gordon is a professional educator, with a current focus on JavaScript development with and alongside WordPress at Zac has years of experience teaching at high schools, colleges, bootcamps and online learning sites like Treehouse, Udemy and Frontend Masters. In addition to teaching, Zac also runs Web Hosting for Students, one of the world’s largest hosting companies dedicated to students and teachers. You can also catch his free Office Yoga sessions on

Chris Lema

Chris Lema has been building eCommerce sites since 1997, back when it would take a lot of time, cost a lot of money, and still didn’t work perfectly. Today he’s the VP of Products at Liquid Web, where he’s designed and launched a new platform dedicated to WooCommerce stores.

Antonella Morales

Antonella is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialist that is always on top of the latest trends and news.

She has experience in optimizing blogs and copy writing for websites.

She’s been consistently working with WordPress since 2015 and is always looking to learn more. She has recently really committed to learning a lot more about WordPress.

Fun fact: This is Antonella’s first time being a speaker for any conference. So, even if you didn’t get that much out of her talk, she’d still love it if you smiled and nodded like you did.

Santiago Leon

Santiago Leon is President & Founder of sleon productions, a agency that provides web, apps, video and audio services to clients. Santiago is a Miami native with ten years of experience in technology and multimedia.

Whitney Lubin

Whitney Lubin is a Full Stack Web Developer, entrepreneur, YouTube content creator, and occasional fanfiction writer.

2019 WordCamp Miami Speakers: Round Three

WordCamp Miami is honored to announce the third group of confirmed speakers and panelists for WordCamp Miami 2019.

Korene Stuart

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, -should learn a computer language. Because it teaches you how to think.”- Steve Jobs.
Learning how to code shouldn’t just be for those who can afford it. After starting her self-taught journey in learning various computer languages in 2016 , Korene Stuart felt there was more she could do to improve the lives of under served communities. With the help of her sister, they launched a non-profit organization, MAScode( Minorities Advancing through STEM) an initiative to expose both children and adults to the amazing careers of S.T.E.M.(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

Joe Casabona

Joe Casabona is a college-accredited course developer and professor. He also has his Master’s Degree in Software Engineering, is a Front End Developer, and hosts multiple podcasts. Joe started freelancing in 2002, and has been a teacher at the college level for over 10 years. His passion in both areas has driven him to build Creator Courses, a school for those who want to create online businesses. As a big proponent of learning by doing, he loves creating focused, task-driven courses to help students build something. When he’s not teaching, he’s interviewing people for his podcast, How I Built It.

Jessi Gurr

Mom | Vegan | Entrepreneur
Jessi runs a website development agency in Minnesota. She loves creating jobs and talking about her experience.
Jessi enjoys traveling with her kids and organic gardening.

Micah Wood

A professional WordPress developer for over a decade, Micah has worked on sites for Fortune 100 companies, has released over a dozen WordPress plugins, is a frequent speaker at WordCamps, co-organizes the WordPress Gwinnett meetup, is a co-host on the WP Square One podcast and shares his knowledge by blogging on WordPress development topics.

Topher DeRosia

Topher has been a web developer for over 25 years, and a WordPress developer for 8 years. He recently began working with BigCommerce as a WordPress Developer Evangelist.

Topher hails from Grand Rapids MI, where he lives with his wife, two daughters, and two little dogs.

Rian Kinney

Rian Kinney, founder of The Kinney Firm and eCommLegal is a privacy expert and online business, privacy, and tech attorney assisting businesses of all sizes from freelancers to enterprise, currently representing and working with some of WordPress’s biggest names.

Rian holds the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ CIPM and CIPP/E Designations and has spoken at conferences all over the country and Europe on issues ranging from contracts, CYA’ing your site, the future of open source, to ethics, and privacy.

Scott Mann

Scott Mann is an Emmy-winning creative director, a business mentor, a board member for a number of regional non-profits, an SEO specialist, a certified Google Partner and a social impact advocate.

He founded Highforge in 2001 as a boutique digital agency with the purpose of helping good people grow good businesses online and beyond. Since then the agency has designed work for thousands of companies and helped clients reach millions of new viewers and customers. They build messaging and identity platforms and guidelines, art illustration, SEO, Google Ads and website development and support for WordPress and Shopify.

He’s an avid sci-fi reader, racquetball player, and backpack traveler. He enjoys music festivals, tequila and loves promoting to save lives.

David Wolfpaw

David is a professional web developer focused on WordPress theme and plugin development. He emphasizes helping small businesses, providing ongoing support, and educating users through his service FixUpFox. He helps organize both WordPress Orlando and WordCamp Orlando.