
How WordCamps Can Impact Education

As an educator in South Florida for the Past 25 years, it is important to share the impact of WordCamp Miami with others who are not in education and how it can lead to other opportunities for our community and youth.

Blogging – Even If You Think You Can’t Write

Have you ever wanted to start a blog, but were too reluctant because you don’t have writing skills?

In this talk, I’ll share different types of blogs you can start that can be fun, authentic and engaging to your audience – without being “spammy” – even if you’re not a traditional blog writer.

Starting with WordPress as our platform, we’ll talk about picture blogs, poetry blogs, vlogging, blogs that showcase your favorite things and so much more. I’ll visually demonstrate some simple examples of what those blogs could look like, then take you step-by-step with simple instructions you can use to start a blog today!

Creating Purposeful Content

Content is King and is found everywhere we look. Now more than ever, we must create quality content that connects with our readers in the many different platforms that they get acquainted with your writing. This talk is for anyone desiring to craft content with more heart, which tells the right story that you wish to convey to your intended audience. Whether you are writing content to sell, persuade, entertain or content that is more academic in nature, you need a structure that will allow you to create purposeful content reliably.

Exploring New Gutenberg Blocks

Continuous changes within the WordPress interface occasionally lead to a major change that affects not only what you see, but also how you use the application. One of the main WordPress modules is the TinyMCE text editor that includes all the basic functions to create or edit your post or pages in WordPress. With the update of WP 5.0 a new experience or functionality for word processing is added.

What are the blocks in WordPress? In this talk we will review in depth the new interface of the content editor and its functions. We will learn to use these blocks as design patterns to create more interactive and flexible content and we will talk about the possibilities with this change.