Post or page? Block or custom field? Locked templates or a block party? With Gutenberg now in the hands of millions, many developers are struggling with a difficult decision: do we give the authors full control over style, layout and structure? Or lock the content entry down and “save them from themselves”? Most of the time, the right answer lies someplace in between. But finding that happy medium with so much choice can be a daunting and confusing process. Enter Content Architecture! A website’s content architecture determines how successfully your clients can use the WordPress site that you built for them. It determines how flexible the content is, where and how it can be reused and syndicated. It supports the organization’s internal content strategy and workflow. Simply put, a good content architecture can make everyone’s lives easier.
In this session, we will explore the process of content architecture and modeling in today’s WordPress world. You will leave with a solid process for discovering and building the best possible website into WordPress. We will review the different content, relationship and metadata formats in WordPress, and then look at patterns for different use cases.