Category Archives: Tips

Lessons Learned About Attending WordCamp Miami

by ThisChickCodes

WordCamp is a conference that I really look forward to every year. I have attended 2 WordCamps and I will be attending this year as well. Here are a few lessons that I have learned from attending WordCamp. These are lessons that I will be applying for my third attendance. 

Get there early

I made the mistake of showing up late last year. My first year I showed up early and I will be going by that rule from now on.

You will need to pick up your badge and get your t-shirt first, that line can start getting long around the time the event starts, so get there early so you aren’t waiting in line. You may also want coffee and something to nibble on before the talks start. 

Plan the tracks you want to attend

Decide which talks you will like to attend before hand. Sometimes it will be hard to make a decision because 2 talks that are very interesting may be going at the same time. Try to get to the rooms early because space can be limited depending on how many people go to that specific one. You don’t want to have to stand up for the whole talk. 


I am a true introvert, my first WordCamp, I will admit that I barely spoke a word to anyone. But I realized that everyone that’s at WordCamp share a common passion and you can easily spark up a conversation with someone. Ask them what track they are most interested in, find out their expertise with WordPress—just a few examples. 

Another thing, bring business cards! You are going to meet a lot of great people and this is your opportunity to network with them. I made this mistake not once but both times. Go meet the vendors, ask them about their products if you have never heard of them, as well as chat with vendor’s whose products you use and love. 

Make room for swag! 

One thing I love about conferences is the swag! I have become somewhat of a hoarder of swag but I love every little sticker, pin, t-shirt, notebook, pen, bag… and they have all of these things at WordCamp Miami! 

The conference will sometimes have bags to give you, I usually store the swag from vendors in it. However, last year they ran out and I ended up having to take some of it to my car because it didn’t all fit in my backpack with the rest of my stuff. Most vendors have t-shirts and those tend to get bulky when you have a lot of them so make sure you have room! 

Have fun!

Most importantly have fun! There will be so much for you to do and learn, and you should definitely make the most of your time there enjoying being in the company of fellow WordPress lovers.