Black Tech Week was established in 2014 by Code Fever to provide more impactful programming around Black History Month. In addition to celebrating innovators of color, the entire week of events aims to change the narrative surrounding our community and replace it with innovation, creativity and technology that stretches the trajectory of our community. Our mission is to celebrate innovators of color and accelerate Miami, Florida USA as the United States gateway to Africa and the diaspora. With the proliferation of social networks, wearable technology, mobile, technology tools and social connections, our generation holds the keys to change the world and it has never been as accessible as it is today. During this exciting week organizations, community partners, startups and tech companies will be hosting events to highlight tech innovation and diversity across the globe. There many people of color doing beyond amazing work here in south Florida and across the globe. Black Tech Week will serve as the platform to acknowledge, celebrate, and support innovative thought provoking conversations & content by people of color. Black Tech Week is about thinking beyond today and tomorrow in order to build a diverse and connected organization for the diaspora.