Going from Hobby to Freelance

“Do what you love and the money will follow.”
“Follow your passions and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

We have all heard these types of quotes about being your own boss and freelancing or running your own company. Learn the realities of going out on your own and what it takes. The good, bad, and ugly of being your own boss and controlling your destiny.

Whether you are thinking of a startup, consultancy, or freelancing, Steven will share his story of starting his own business and lessons learned, both positive and negative. Understand what tasks and efforts you must accomplish and what pitfalls to avoid from a practical individual perspective.

If you have ever had the dream of being your own boss, Steven’s talk will help you assess if going out on your own is a viable option for you and if so, what are some things to prepare for before, during, and after taking the leap.

Topics will include:
Getting paid
Time management
Marketing & networking
Accounting & taxes
Being the boss

Walk away with tools and actionable items to begin or accelerate your journey to self-employment.
