Building A Mobile App With React Native (Live)

This session is intended to explain and show how to create a mobile app for a WordPress based site using React Native.

We recently built a mobile app for iOS and Android for Red Bull Global Rallycross.
Their website is powered by WordPress and the idea was to create a mobile app to access the same content.
This talk will take this app as an example and highlight some of the things we learned while building it.

This session will be 90% live coding.

First, I’m going to cover the basics of React Native:
– How it works
– React 101 (components, jsx, lifecycle)
– Layout system
– Styling views

Then I’m going to create a React Native app from scratch with a WordPress backend:
– Creating a project
– Adding basic navigation
– Building the news feed screen
– Adding the news details screen
– Adding a simple parallax animation

After this session I’m confident people will realize how easy it is to create native mobile apps with React Native.


WordCamp Miami 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!