A Guide to Creating the Right Digital Perception Across Diverse Digital Platforms

As creators of content how do we draw attention, build viewers, increase engagement, 
employ SEO effectively and even cross generational lines?

The ability to create and share content can be a challenge – content is the result of 
the creator’s vision and their passion. This must be shared by digital tools to draw
attention and not create the wrong perception. 
The intent may not be taken by the viewers for what it is intended. There may be a 
lack of understanding that the viewer has a perception that is different than the creator. 
The creators of content need to understand that each platform draws a different viewer 
and engagement is as diverse at the person reading, viewing and listening. 
Crossing digital platforms is not easy, so there must be knowledge of who you’re 
trying to attract and what bait you’re using to grab their attention.

This talk will show how your content will
hold your reader’s attention and encourage them to return back to your site. 

Perceptions are important because they do define our presence in the world.


WordCamp Miami 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!