Andreas Lopez

Andreas Lopez

Andreas first encountered Web Design back in Germany while taking Media Design classes where he learned HTML & CSS raw – no CMS, no aiding tools, just notepad and a cheat sheet of tags.

He moved to South Florida, US in 2012 where he became an IT Admin in 2013 and Webmaster by default at a small startup. This is when he used WordPress for the first time in a professional way. And from there on it was a deep dive journey straight into E-Commerce which is why he considers himself now an E-Commerce specialist and knowing his way around Google Analytics to make sales happen.

He works full-time at a local business in West Palm Beach while freelancing on the side, allowing him to maximize his knowledge and make the dreams of others come true by creating their web presences and e-commerce channels.


WordCamp Miami 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!