Mauricio Dinarte

Mauricio Dinarte

Mauricio Dinarte is passionate about Drupal, teaching, and traveling. Over the last few years, he has presented 25+ sessions and full day trainings in 12+ Drupal events across America and Europe, including DrupalCon Vienna.

In Nicaragua, his tropical home, Mauricio serves as a lead organizer of the Drupal community where he had helped to organize meetups, trainings, and a DrupalCamp. He also volunteers with the WordPress community and is part of the program team for WordCamp Managua 2018.

Although relatively new to WordPress, Mauricio believes in the value of free source communities working together. Hence, he looks for collaboration opportunities and ways to learn from each other. Results have been very positive.

Website: Mauricio Dinarte on Drupal | @dinarcon


WordCamp Miami 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!