Tara Claeys

Tara Claeys

Based in Arlington, Virginia, Tara Claeys is the owner of Design TLC, and a co-founder of Nice Work, LLC, producing custom websites for small and medium businesses. Tara’s focus is on private school and non profit websites, although she has also worked on business-to-business, restaurant, e-commerce and real estate projects. She works closely with her clients to create effective, clean and personal communication platforms.

Tara is obsessed with digital efficiency and productivity tools and techniques.

In addition to running her own companies, she is a regular attendee at the WordPress DC Meetup and runs the Arlington/NoVa WordPress branch of this Meetup. Tara is also a co-host of the podcast Hallway Chats.

Outside of work, Tara is a runner, a cyclist, and a musical theater enthusiast who most recently is trying to learn to play the piano.


WordCamp Miami 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!