WordCamp Miami is happy to announce the first confirmed speakers and panelists for WordCamp Miami 2018.
Joshua Strebel
Joshua is a husband, father, smart-ass (his words, not ours), rabble-rouser, co-founder of Pagely, inventor of managed WordPress Hosting. A 15 year veteran of the web industry leading teams in design, marketing, and product development. He thinks an old fashioned work ethic is more important than a round of funding.
Tessa Kriesel
Agency and Community Engineer at Pantheon, Tessa has been a web developer for over 10 years. She enjoys front-end development but also loves to build sites from start to finish. She started in Joomla, moved into WordPress shortly after and most recently has been digging into Drupal.
She enjoys teaching others to code, mentoring junior developers and speaking at conferences and youth events. She is an instructor and retired Chapter Leader for Girl Develop It Minneapolis, WordCamp Minneapolis Organizer and founder of Outspoken Women. Tessa is a northern Minnesota native, but now lives in the Twin Cities. She loves dogs and enjoys helping local organizations rescue dogs in her free time.
Francesca Marano
Francesca is the WordPress Community Manager at SiteGround. She is part of the WordPress community team, organising Meetups and WordCamps in Torino and taking part in many other WordPress events worldwide.
She founded C+B, a blog with an editorial staff of more than sixty authors offering daily advice for Italian female creative entrepreneurs.
Jean Regisser
Lead Mobile Engineer at Crossfield, I build awesome mobile products with a special care on crafting slick and engaging user experiences. He pioneered live video streaming back in 2008 on the very first iPhone SDK (that’s what it was called back then) building the now deceased Orb Live app at Orb Networks, Inc (acquired by Qualcomm in 2013).
Miriam Goldman
Miriam leads the development team at Pondstone, a boutique digital marketing agency in Canada’s national capital, Ottawa. She started playing around with WordPress for personal projects in 2009, and for professional projects two years later. Miriam is also one of the co-organizers for WordCamp Ottawa, and helps run the social media for the Ottawa WordPress community.
Brian Richards
Brian Richards is the creator of WPSessions.com and has been using WordPress since 2007 and training and leading development teams since 2011. In addition to investing his time into training, Brian has had the opportunity to work with many amazing WordPress agencies and experts over these last several years. This has allowed Brian to help develop sites for Microsoft, Disney, TIME, YMCA, and numerous others. Brian has an affinity for self-directed learning and helping others to develop skills and workflows to better solve important and complicated problems. He can’t resist helping good people do great things.
Rodrigo Donini
Rodrigo Donini is a nerd, developer, teacher, husband, dad, curious about all the things around him and not necessarily in this order. He is speaker, WordPress evangelist very involved with the community and currently is Toptal Software Engineer living in the south of Brazil.
He works as developer remotely for 8 years exclusively with WordPress, working on different projects from the simplest to the most complex. Also, he is an organizer of WordPress Meetups and WordCamp Porto Alegre, in Brazil.
Syed Balkhi
Syed Balkhi is an award winning young entrepreneur with several 7 figure online businesses. He was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by United Nations. His work has been featured in Forbes, Inc, Washington Post, FoxBusiness, Entrepreneur, Wired, and many top publications.