Annejeanette Washington Collins

Annejeanette Washington Collins

Annejeanette Washington Collins is a dedicated educator and professor in Broward County, Florida for the past 26 years. A graduate of The University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University, she shares her passion for educational technology teaching her students WordPress, Microsoft Office 365, Canvas, Edmodo and other LMS platforms. Most notably, Annejeanette uses WordPress to spotlight STEM trends and encouraging moms at Magnific Mom Moments. Annejeanette has presented at local, state, and international platforms notably Edu-Match and Site Leaders Connect.

In addition to teaching, Annejeanette is a conference speaker, photographer, website designer, social media blogger, and community servant. She volunteers with Dare to Care Outreach, Black Girls Code Miami Chapter, The Broward Alliance of Black School Educators,, and The Faith Center Ministries Youth Department just to name a few.

Her greatest joy is spending time with her husband Major, her daughter Jayda (former Word Camp Panelist), and her family.

Twitter: @professadiva954 
